Học sinh Chung Tiểu Phương – du học Úc

Du học sinh Chung Tiểu Phương được Công ty Liên Châu đã đưa sang học tại trường HOLMESGLEN, sau khi hoàn thành khóa Cử Nhân. Nay bạn Phương tiếp tục nhờ công ty Liên Châu đưa sang học tiếp trường HOLMESGLEN với chuyên ngành học khác. Sau đây là thư bạn Phương nhận xét về công ty Liên Châu và trường HOLMESGLEN qua quá trình làm hồ sơ và học tập.
Thank you Note - To Mrs. Lien and the Lien Chau Com
Dear Mrs. Lien and the Lien Chau Com.,
Words can't even describe how thankful and appreciated I am for your work at this moment while writing you this email. This is the second time that I have to thank you for bringing me another opportunity to fulfill my study path and a whole new precious experience in my life.
Mrs. Lien and the staff of the company has been with me from the very first start 4 years ago, and ever since. You have given me all the considered advices and consults tailored upon my case, with the careful consideration from my study records to my study outcome desire. The communications between the company and me with my family is really excellent, which made the process so much easier and saving a lot of effort despite the distance of locations. The advises they have provided me are really accurate (based on the experiences they have about the destinations I have chosen) which made me fitting in much more quickly; with not only the study environment but also the accommodations and lifestyles of Melbourne, Australia.
When they gave me all the options from the very first beginning and I was a bit overwhelmed, Mrs. Lien considered Holmesglen would be a suitable option for me. Throughout the last three years of the Bachelor Course, Holmesglen provided me small size classes which has helped me to interact more with the tutors in which way gain more practical experiences and useful discussion. The course has been carefully consulted and made to fit with my study path from Diploma moving up to Bachelor so that I can fit in with the academic requirements of the Bachelor course gradually. The teachers and professors from the course has always willing to help me not just during-class time but sometimes also from the late library study after-class time. They are always thoughtful and considerate to take time and explaining to me who is an international student, which English is not my native language. With practical placements in the industry, I was not only given job opportunities but also the realistic experience each graduates need.
Those are some of the reasons why this time, when I have to consider my study journey again, Mrs. Lien and the company highly recommended Holmesglen. They even prepared and helped me to meet in person with the representative from Holmesglen when they visited Vietnam. Hence, it made my decision much less doubtful and much more realistic.
And now my Dream will be started again, very soon. And it’s you Mrs. Lien and the staff of the company who help me to make it come true. It was more than my pleasure to have known and worked with you ever since I stepped in your office when I was just 18 and now back with you as an grown-up graduates. I will definitely keeping you update with my upcoming adventures and wishing your company the best wishes for all the new students.
My deeply appreciation and thankfulness
Best Regards,

Katie Tieu Phuong